06th February 2024

The 59th Annual General Meeting of the Selangor Bar will be held on Thursday, 22nd February 2024, at 2.00 pm via HYBRID meeting.

Members have the option of attending either:

Physically at Kelab Golf Negara Subang (KGNS), Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan;


Virtually via the designated online platform.

1. Registration through the designated link is mandatory for both physical and virtual attendance.
2. All voting including voting on motions and for elections, will be conducted online exclusively.

Register through the link to be provided in due course, regardless of your chosen attendance mode.


1. To consider, and if approved, to adopt the minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 22nd February 2023;

2. To discuss matters arising therefrom;

3. To consider the Reports on the activities of the Selangor Bar for the year 2023/2024;

4. To consider, and if approved, to adopt the Audited Accounts of the Selangor Bar for the year ending 31st December 2023;

5. To fix the Annual Subscription for the year 2024;

6. To discuss and approve that the annual report of the Selangor Bar Committee be sent by way of email only to the members;

7. To consider Motion/s tabled;

8. To elect one (1) member as Chairman of the Selangor Bar Committee for the year 2024/2025;

9. To elect ten (10) members as members of the Selangor Bar Committee for the year 2024/2025;

10. To elect one (1) member to represent Selangor Bar on the Bar Council for the year 2024/2025;


The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 385 members which represents five percent of the total number of members of the Selangor Bar (7,699) as at the date of this notice, 6th February 2024.

Pursuant to Section 70 (2B) of the Legal Profession Act 1976, the quorum has to be present within one hour from the time appointed for holding the Annual General Meeting. If the quorum is not present, the Annual General Meeting shall be adjourned on the same day and the members present shall constitute the quorum.

Dated: 6th February 2024

Yu Ai Ting
Honorary Secretary
Selangor Bar Committee


1. Members are kindly requested to make every effort to attend the meeting punctually or start to log in by 12.30 pm to ensure quorum for the meeting.

2. For Physical:

a) Registration Counters will be opened from 12.30 pm onwards, and light refreshments will be served.

b) All members shall, upon registering their names, wear their Tags for the purposes of identification and admission.

3. For Online:
Members who have registered earlier, can start to log in at 12.30 pm using your username and password.

4. At the Meeting, every member present shall have one vote, and where there is an equality of votes, the presiding member shall have a casting vote.

5. Only members of the Selangor Bar shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting. Pupils may attend as observers but shall not vote.

6. Voting shall be conducted simultaneously and the votes will be collectively tallied and announced subsequently.

1. If any member desires to propose any motion to be considered at the Annual General Meeting, the member shall serve to the Secretary of the Selangor Bar Committee a notice of such motion in writing on or before 14th February 2024, 6.00 pm.


A copy of the letter concerning adjournments for matters on that day from the Chief Justice's office is attached for members’ further action


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