25th September 2024

Dear Members of the Selangor Bar,

In light of our upcoming Selangor Bar's Annual Dinner & Dance 2024, to be held on 23rd November 2024 (Saturday) at the Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, we call upon law firms that are able and willing to be a sponsor of this event may do so by choosing any of the following sponsorship packages that suit your law firm as each package has its unique benefits: -

(1) Diamond Sponsorship – RM8,000.00
a) Five (5) complimentary tickets to the dinner; and
b) Logo/firm name on the poster

(2) Platinum Sponsorship – RM5,000.00
a) Three (3) complimentary tickets to the dinner; and
b) Logo/firm name on the poster

(3) Gold Sponsorship – RM3,500.00
a) Two (2) complimentary tickets to the dinner; and
b) Logo/firm name on the poster

(4) Silver Sponsorship - RM2,000.00
a) One (1) complimentary ticket to the dinner; and
b) Logo/firm name on the poster

(5) Bronze Sponsorship - RM1,000.00
a) Logo/firm name on the poster.

Your generous sponsorship will help defray the cost and expenses of the event.

The sponsorship amount can be paid by cheque, bank draft, direct deposit, or Internet banking. The details are as follows:

Bank Details:
SELANGOR BAR COMMITTEE (CIMB Account No: 8001949396)

The sponsorship packages will remain opened until 5th November 2024. If you have any questions or require further information, kindly contact us at 03-55196219 (Mr. Thinna).

Please click the link below to confirm your sponsorship.

Your kind and generous sponsorship is highly appreciated. See you at our event.

Warm regards,

M K Thas
Selangor Bar Committee


Events with CPD points